SWW Conference 2018 – not long to go!


We’re now just a month away from this year’s annual conference and it’s shaping up to be our best one yet! This year it’s taking place on the 8th and 9th of October at The Abbey Hotel in Redditch and as we do every year we’re bringing a host of great speakers, exhibitors and entertainment across the two days. If you haven’t booked yet, not only do we advise doing so soon to secure yourself a place, but we’ve put together a brief overview of what to expect which should certainly peak your interest in this year’s event.


Nigel McGinity – Certainty The National will Register

Nigel will be taking on the breakfast meeting, a slot that is proving to be more and more popular each year and serves as a great way to kick off the day. He’ll be giving a update on the work that Certainty have been doing and where they are 10 years on from their beginnings.

Gemma Hopper – Court of Protection Solicitor

Gemma has previously attended the conference on behalf of the OPG, however this year will be returning on her own accord to give an overview of Statutory Wills and Property and Financial Affairs Court Applications.

Beth Clarke – Charities Aid Foundation

CAF are a long-standing partner of the SWW and we’re delighted to have Beth bring a discussion on Charitable Giving through Legacies at this year’s event. We all understand the important work that charities do and whilst charitable gifts in Wills benefit the charities selected, they can also benefit the client’s estate.

Robynne Casswell – Town & Country Law

Director of Town & Country Law, member since 2017 and recently appointed a member of the SWW’s Professional Standards Board, it’s been a busy year for Robynne. Now adding the conference to that list, she will be giving a talk on Living Wills – certainly one not to miss.

Stephen Lawson – FDR Law

Stephen is the Head of Dispute Resolution at FDR Law and specialises in Contentious Probate and Inheritance Disputes. He will be giving a very important talk on dealing with Problem Wills, Difficult Files and Larke v Nugus Letters, at least one of which many estate planners may encounter at some point in their careers.

Toby Harris – Toby Harris Tax Consultants

Originally a Solicitor, Toby has run his tax practice for many years. His talk at this year’s event will be sharing advice to owners of small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as some footnotes to Stephen Lawson’s talk giving examples from real life to illustrate the problems with Wills. This is certain to be beneficial to all in attendance.

Siobhan Rattigan – Lead Tutor for the College of Will Writing

At the start of 2018 Siobhan took over as lead tutor for the College and has so far taught 9 fully booked SWWEPP Wills and Estate Planning Certificate courses with another both before and 2 after this year’s conference. She will be providing a workshop on the morning of day 2, giving some practical consideration with Will drafting.

Co-op Funeral Care

Readers of our newsletter will have seen this news this week that we have launched a partnership with the Co-op, which we’re pleased to say has been met with a very positive response. Not only are they the title sponsor of this year’s conference, but they’re also providing a workshop on day 2 to introduce the details of the plans to members of the SWW. You do not want to miss this.

Graeme McAusland – The Funeral Planning Authority

Graeme is the CEO of the FPA and will be providing a brief discussion about ethics and regulation within the Funeral Planning Industry. The Society insists that it’s choice of pre-paid funeral plan provider is regulated by the FPA and with the upcoming treasury consultation this could prove to be even more important in the future.

Robert Newman – Carter Collins & Myer

Rob has been an accountant now for almost 20 years but has also tried his hand in many other professions. He’s also a tutor for the College of Will Writing teaching both the Business Growth Bootcamp and the Estate Planning for Business Clients courses. Rob will be doing a workshop on day 2 about Developing Your Will Writing Business.

We’re really excited about the selection of speakers and their topics for this year’s event and can’t wait to introduce you to them across the 2 days. If that’s not enough to entice you, then you may also be interested in the private dinner which where we’ll have a table magician, after dinner comedian and live band to round off the evening. The event is open to anyone with in the profession, not strictly SWW members.

We’d also like to share with you the list of exhibitors for the event, and of course thank them for their support. The list includes:

Co-op Funeralcare

Sure Will Writer

The National Will Archive

SWW Trust Corporation

Charities Aid Foundation

Executor Solutions


Certainty The National Will Register

TSF Consultants

Professional Deputies

Carter Collin & Myer

Our media partner for the event is Solve Legal – publisher of Today’s Wills and Probate


If you haven’t yet booked for this year’s event, download the booking form (SWWCon18 Agenda & Booking Form) and email it to [email protected] or post it to Chancery House, Whisby Way, Lincoln, LN6 3LQ. But be quick, spaces are filling fast and there’s really not long to go now – see you there!

The Society of Will Writers

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About The Society of Will Writers

The Society of Will Writers is a non-profit making self-regulatory organisation whose primary objectives are the advancement, education and ethical standards within the will writing profession.

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The Society of Will Writers
Chancery House
Whisby Way

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Tel: 01522 687888
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Registered in England and Wales. Company Number: 02918900.



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