Earlier this week the Queen’s Speech was given as is tradition for the State opening of Parliament. Delivered later than the planned 19th June due to the Conservative and DUP party’s delays in forming an agreement.
Earlier this week the Queen’s Speech was given as is tradition for the State opening of Parliament. Delivered later than the planned 19th June due to the Conservative and DUP party’s delays in forming an agreement.
The SWW’s Code of Practice is a living document. It is essentially the rule book by which all members are expected to practice and adhere to.
Earlier this week the appointment of David Liddington as the new Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice was announced.
The Charities Act 2011 defines a “charitable purpose” as one that falls into one of 13 categories defined in the Act and is for the public benefit.
The SWW are finding that more and more members are making the most of their membership benefits and are responding well to the SWW’s attempts to strengthen self-regulation.
As part of writing their Will a testator will choose people they trust to act as their executors after their death.
Do you ever get confused by the number of abbreviations used in the legal industry?