In the majority of cases a simple attestation clause such as “SIGNED by the above named [TESTATOR] as and for his last Will in our presence and then by us in his” will suffice.
In the majority of cases a simple attestation clause such as “SIGNED by the above named [TESTATOR] as and for his last Will in our presence and then by us in his” will suffice.
The sad truth is that there is one thing that we can never escape and that is death. Following the death of a loved one closing down someones Facebook is almost certainly never going to be on the top of the agenda but in the social age it's likely to become a consideration.
Earlier this year the Government announced plans to increase probate fees from 1 May 2017 by introducing a sliding scale of fees based on the value of the estate.
Are you looking for a new career? Have you ever wanted to set up and run your own business? Wanting to start a Will Writing business? Then the SWW may have just the answer.
The Legal Services Board have this morning released a press release following the Competition and Markets Authority study into legal services.
Once admitted to probate a Will becomes available for the public to view. So then how would a testator benefit a person by his Will while keeping this disposition concealed? Enter the “secret trust”.
When a beneficiary dies before the testator, the gift or legacy to them will lapse/fail and fall into the residue.
A Flexible Life Interest Trust can allow a person to benefit immediately upon the death of a testator (Immediate Post Death Interest Trust), all whilst protecting the value of assets for others.
A Lasting Power of Attorney is a document that allows you to choose someone you trust to make decisions for you in the event that you are unable to make them yourself (for example if you lost capacity). These people are referred to as your attorneys.