Become a Fellow Member

Of The Society of Will Writers

Become a Fellow Member

Application Process

Please be sure to read all the information below before applying.

How do I qualify?

  • You will have 5 years of continuous full membership (MSWW) of the Society.
  • You will have significantly contributed to the Society’s development at a regional or national level over at least a 3-year period. This could be a regional group officer, a member of the PSB, a lecturer at The College of Will Writing and presentations to regional groups other than your own local group.
  • You must be able to show that during each year of membership you have been actively involved in will writing and associated activities from your annual audit and PII.
  • Application is by a Question and Answer format.
  • You must show that you have attended advanced learning during your membership of the Society with any organisation that provides advanced learning for the will writing profession for each year of the last 3 years.
  • Candidates must be able to show verifiable evidence of annual audit and PII for the last five years.

How do I apply?

Complete and submit the SWW Fellow Grade application form (about you and your business) at the bottom of this page.

What is the process?

  • Be sure you are familiar with the process and rules of the Fellowship Grade application and the SWW Code of Practice.
  • If your initial application for Fellowship is accepted, you will be able to complete the Fellow Grade submission form. This will be sent to you by the SWW Membership Team for completion ahead of the interview stage. The submission form is an online fillable form, however, if you wish to submit an offline written submission that is acceptable.
  • Write your papers using all relevant guidance information.
  • Submit your papers including your actual CPD record for the last 3 years to SWW by the closing date on the timetable of events.

Timetable of Events and Deadlines

There will be two interview panels each year.

April Panel 2024 October Panel 2024
Application deadline 8th February 2024 Application deadline 4th July 2024
Submission Deadline 4th April 2024 Submission Deadline 26th September 2024
Panel date 7th May 2024 Panel Date 24th October 2024
Application results 23rd May 2024 Application results 26th November 2024

How Much Will It Cost?

A fee of £150 will be charged to cover the expense of the application.

What is the format of the interview panel?

  • The panel will be made up of 3 members or if the Director General of the SWW attends there will be four members.
  • Each member of the panel is allowed to ask a maximum of three substantial questions of the applicant.
  • The panel will scrutinise the details of your application to confirm your written answers with regard to your terms of business, your PII, your annual audit including CPD submissions and your ongoing technical development.
  • The panel will want to understand how you will develop your business, your contribution to the SWW and the will writing profession over the next 3 years and how you will gain the knowledge and experience to move into any niche markets you are looking at.
  • The panel will want to discuss in detail any judgements during the last year that you feel have influenced how you have changed your approach to your clients and which cases in your opinion have influenced the thinking within the industry.

About The Society of Will Writers

The Society of Will Writers is a non-profit making self-regulatory organisation whose primary objectives are the advancement, education and ethical standards within the will writing profession.

Contact Us

The Society of Will Writers
Chancery House
Whisby Way

what3words: ///ever.embellish.hissing

Tel: 01522 687888
E-mail: [email protected]

SWW, logo, white, crest, seal, will, pen, quill, ink, paper, book, scales, legal, blue, gold,

Copyright by The Society of Will Writers. All rights reserved.
Registered in England and Wales. Company Number: 02918900.



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