Whilst a Will is a document that deals with your assets and allows your executors to handle your affairs after you’ve gone, a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) provides powers whilst you’re living.
Whilst a Will is a document that deals with your assets and allows your executors to handle your affairs after you’ve gone, a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) provides powers whilst you’re living.
The SWW has a host of membership benefits and we've recently expanded the number of partners that we work with.
A Will may be invalid for a number of reasons. It may not have been signed properly. Your circumstances may have changed meaning some gifts will fail, or it may no longer be fit for purpose.
The report received a record amount of responses from a wide variety of people effected by IHT. Over 3000 responses made to an online survey, combined with a further 500 email responses and 100 written responses from experts responding to a call for evidence.